Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Birthday Gift This Year

Last Tuesday was my birthday. I've been sick since the day before and am finally beginning to recover. It may not seem like a good birthday present, but I've found that being sick really does hold gifts.

Sound crazy?

...ya, I understand how it does - but...

there is such a shift in how we view life, experience our bodies, interact with our family, and move through our daily life when we are sick. I know, I know, it seems like such a "Pollyanna" perspective. But give it just a teeny chance for a moment...

Next time you are sick, on the couch with your blanket, snot dripping every 2 seconds, coughing, ache-y, not feeling at all well, take a moment. Take just a moment to look inside at what it is that makes you, You. Take a moment to look at how your daily life and interactions with friends and family are experienced. Take a moment to feel what it is to be well, even in the midst of illness you can know wellness... that feeling of knowing wellness that not even a seemingly sick body can touch. That part that is beyond space and time, beyond matter and physicality. I know, some of you might be asking "what the heck!?" But there is that place when you are sick that allows for an amazing shift in perspective.

Not the perspective that you would normally think. Not that place that says, "Am I ever going to feel well again? Am I ever going to be able to catch up with life after this set back?" But instead the place that says, "What we think matters in daily life isn't all that important." "What we forget to put at the top of our list IS that which matters most." We get to become very clear when we are sick. We get to see the reasons why self care is so important, we get to take the time that allows for quiet and introspection (even if it is seen through a haze of snot). We get to appreciate our family and watch how they interact without our interference. (Not that we are always interfering, but there is a difference in how we view life when we are watching versus putting in our two cents.) We get to be the slightest bit more okay with asking for help, letting others do things, dropping expectation and perfection.

So my birthday present this year came in a package that may seem very odd to most. It came in the form of being on the couch, hacking and sneezing. But it also came in the form of getting to experience a husband and son who deeply care about me, who are deeply capable without me and who show their love in numerous ways. It came in the form of a "time out" that allowed for the precious appreciation of stillness and quiet. It came in the form of gratitude for the wellness that I so often engage in. It came in the form of support from so many friends and distant family who sent words of wellness and lifted me up. It came in the form of knowing that no matter what, I have a recognition, that no mere body can get in the way of this spiritual life... though I appreciate the things this body facilitates, it does not take away from the limitlessness of me just because it is sick.

These gifts and many more were mine this year. My friends say I get a birthday "do-over". I say I have been blessed beyond measure.

Life is amazing.

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